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May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month: Learn How to Support Your Bone Health

May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month. Strong bones are the foundation of a long, active life, yet bone health issues often go undetected until a fall occurs resulting in a fracture. As we age, fractures can have a big impact on one’s quality of life and independence by limiting mobility and leading to other health problems […]

Support Your Microbiome: 4 Tips to Improve Gut Health

April is International National IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Awareness Month. It seems that many people experience digestive issues, and there can be some clarification as to why! Continue reading to learn about 4 tips to improve gut health! IBS affects between 25 and 45 million people in the United States. About 2 in 3 people […]

Eat The Rainbow & Boost Your Nutrition

If you’ve given up on your resolution to eat better this year, never fear. It’s Nutrition Health Month and we’re providing you with an easy way to reset your goal. Instead of counting calories or jumping on the latest food fad do this instead. Think about the color of the foods you eat (not artificially […]

February Heart Health Month: Tips for Supporting your Cardiovascular Health

February Heart Health Month February is Heart Health Awareness month and it’s more important than ever to pay attention to your heart health. That means thinking about how you can improve your diet, include more exercise into your routine, and add heart-support supplements to your health regimen. Supporting heart health is particularly crucial during the […]

Eat Your Way To A Sense of Well Being: Mood Boosting Neurotransmitters

Happy New Year! Whether you plan to make a resolution to lose weight, change your eating habits, or implement a work-out program it’s a good time to think about bringing more positivity into your life. One of the easiest ways is to support the neurotransmitters that naturally help you to maintain a happy mood. Neurotransmitters […]

14 Tips To Lower Blood Pressure & Support Heart Health During Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season when friends and family get together and enjoy the beauty and good cheer of the season! With so many activities & events during the holidays, it can be difficult to prioritize your health. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure can fall to the wayside, especially with delicious holiday dinners & dessert throughout […]

3 Ways to Support Your Bone and Joint Health!

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Bones and Joint Health Hip and knee replacements have become routine surgeries. Maybe it’s because everyone is more active today than previous generations. Maybe it’s because we sit at our computers for too many hours and muscles start to atrophy, or when we do get outside our muscles are tight, […]

Tips to Lower Cholesterol: Risk Factors, Tips & More.

Tips to Lower Cholesterol: Risk Factors, Tips & More  September is National Cholesterol Education Month. So, it’s a good time to reassess your diet and get your cholesterol checked and learn about tips to lower cholesterol! High blood cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Some researchers are now telling us […]

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