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10 Cholesterol Lowering Tips For Supporting Heart Health During The Holidays

Mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, stuffing, eggnog and pecan pie, oh my!  Holiday menus are scrumptious, but they’re also filled with an overload of butter, sugar, calories, and cholesterol. A typical holiday meal can contribute 300 milligrams of cholesterol to your day1 (depending on portion size), and it’s recommended that we eat no more than 200 […]

How To Support Healthy Lipids With a Few Lifestyle Changes

Lipids are fatty compounds that are part of your cell membranes. They help cells maintain structure, help move and store energy, and absorb vitamins and make hormones. They also help control what goes in and out of your cells. Are Lipids That Same As Fats? Not exactly. Lipids are often used to mean fats, but […]

Tips to Lower Cholesterol: Risk Factors, Tips & More.

Tips to Lower Cholesterol: Risk Factors, Tips & More  September is National Cholesterol Education Month. So, it’s a good time to reassess your diet and get your cholesterol checked and learn about tips to lower cholesterol! High blood cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Some researchers are now telling us […]

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