Fit Family Lifestyle: 5 Powerful Tips for Family Fitness & Health

5 Ways to Create a Fit Family Lifestyle Happy New Year! It’s that time of year to assess your health and fitness goals for the coming year. And how perfect that January is “Family Fit Lifestyle Month.” New year resolutions are hard to keep. But we’ve got some great ways that can help you establish […]
10 Holiday Stress Tips: Effective Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

The holidays are such a joyous time. Spending time with family and friends, and reflecting on what is truly important in our lives. However, with the holidays come the potential for added stressors. Holiday shopping at busy stores, finding that special ingredient at the grocery store, and holiday travel to name just a few. The […]
Maintaining Strong Relationships May Support Your Health As You Age!

Maintaining Strong Relationships May Support Healthy Aging! Author: Julie What can you do to support your own healthy aging after retirement? Did you know that there are health benefits of friendship? While continuing to age and enduring the new dynamics of life after retirement, contrary to the belief that retirement is just one big vacation, […]