Resveratrol Heart Health Support: Enjoy the Health Benefits of Grapes Without Drinking Wine

February is all about hearts. Valentine’s Day, love and hearts. It’s actually Heart Health Awareness month, too, and we’d like to devote this EffiHealth blog to tell you how you can get all the health benefits for your heart (and more) from grapes without drinking a drop of wine. Wait a minute— what about all […]
What Are The Benefits of Green Tea? 5 Important Ways Green Tea Supports Your Health

You probably know that green tea is the #1 drink in Japan—and for good reason. It’s supposed to help you live longer, ease stress, burn calories, support your heart and those are just a few of the claims associated with this popular herb. But what does the science really say? We discuss five proven benefits of […]
How Much Vitamin D Do I Need A Day?

It’s spring! The flowers are blooming and it’s finally getting warm after a long winter. For most of us that means more time spent outdoors. In addition to getting added exercise, we’ll be absorbing vitamin D naturally through our skin. Vitamin D has been scrutinized by researchers and health care practitioners throughout the past century. […]
Coq10 Benefits: Energize Your Heart and Brain at the Same Time

Coq10 Benefits: The Wonder Compound that Energizes Your Heart, Brain, and Circulation all at the Same Time February is National Heart Month – and this ultra-powerful antioxidant is one of the most important nutrients you can take if you want to support your heart, arteries, blood pressure and circulation. And if you are among the […]
5 Easy, All-Natural Ways to Ward Off Cold Season

5 Easy, All-Natural Ways to Ward Off Cold Season If you aren’t sleeping as well as you normally do… if you’ve been too busy to exercise…and especially if you have been burning the candle at both ends … be careful. These situations all weaken your immune system. And before you know it, the sneeze […]
March is National Nutrition Month: Foods & Tips That Help You Stay Sharp, Young and Energetic!

March is National Nutrition Month: Foods That Help You Stay Sharp, Young and Energetic Remember the old Food Pyramid that was divided into the five food groups of fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, proteins, milk and dairy, and fats and sugars? It’s changed a lot in the past couple of decades with some nutritionists saying […]
10 Holiday Stress Tips: Effective Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

The holidays are such a joyous time. Spending time with family and friends, and reflecting on what is truly important in our lives. However, with the holidays come the potential for added stressors. Holiday shopping at busy stores, finding that special ingredient at the grocery store, and holiday travel to name just a few. The […]
4 Healthy Ways to Deal with Loneliness & It’s Impact on Your Health

Loneliness Can Lead to Food Cravings, But Healthy Foods Can Provide Satisfying Comfort Understanding healthy ways to deal with loneliness is just as important for your health as diet or exercise. A recently published study in Nature Neuroscience found that when people socially isolate the mid-brain regions are activated in a similar way that they […]
Probiotics for Immune Support: How Does Gut Health Support Immune Health?

Probiotics for Immune Support This year more than ever it’s important to rev up your immune system before the cold months arrive. One of the best ways to increase immunity is to support the microbiome. This is your gut, which is where one hundred trillion bacteria live, weighing in at approximately four pounds! These “good […]