Coq10 Benefits: Energize Your Heart and Brain at the Same Time

Coq10 Benefits: The Wonder Compound that Energizes Your Heart, Brain, and Circulation all at the Same Time February is National Heart Month – and this ultra-powerful antioxidant is one of the most important nutrients you can take if you want to support your heart, arteries, blood pressure and circulation. And if you are among the […]
Probiotics for Immune Support: How Does Gut Health Support Immune Health?

Probiotics for Immune Support This year more than ever it’s important to rev up your immune system before the cold months arrive. One of the best ways to increase immunity is to support the microbiome. This is your gut, which is where one hundred trillion bacteria live, weighing in at approximately four pounds! These “good […]
15 Healthy Snacks for Seniors for Meeting Health Needs

Behind every adult aging with grace & good health lies an array of healthy habits. Aging brings on physiological changes which in turn has the ability to affect daily living. But that doesn’t mean aging has to be a negative experience. You’ve heard of all of the ways to embrace health aging- exercise, diet, challenging […]
Resveratrol Benefits: Learn About the Top 7

Resveratrol Benefits: Learn About the Top 7 With ever-growing popularity in the health community, it’s likely that you’ve heard some buzz about resveratrol. You may already know that resveratrol products come in liquid or capsule form, or that it is present in red wine. You may even know that it has the ability to support […]
What is Beta Sitosterol? Natural Support for Prostate Health & More.

The Plant Compound that Supports Men’s Urinary and Prostate Health With No Side Effects What is BPH? The prostate begins to grow in most males after they reach 40 years of age. This is because DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a potent form of the male hormone testosterone, increases in the body. Testosterone is produced by the testicles […]
Okinawan Discovery to Strength and Longevity: Okinawa Coral Calcium

The Okinawan Secret to Health and Longevity It was a mystery: Why did this the people of Okinawa live such long, healthy lives? In short, part of it could be due to the Okinawa coral calcium. The people who thrived on this island off the coast of Japan enjoyed quick minds, slim bodies and great […]
Your Immune Health + Your Gut = Perfect Partnership

The Probiotic Spore That Powers Up Immune Health You probably know that supplements are good for your digestive health. These friendly bacteria help balance your intestinal tract and helps your digestion run smoothly. There are, however, ways to naturally improve your gut health. But did you also know that probiotics are important for supporting immune […]
Age-Proof Your Heart, Skin and Cells with this Secret Compound

The Secret Grape Compound that Makes Your Body Age-Proof (and it’s NOT Resveratrol) Chances are you’ve heard about the health benefits of red wine, which is rich in a polyphenol called resveratrol. But did you know that there’s another part of the grape plant that also delivers some remarkable health benefits? So, let’s talk about […]
Looking On the Bright Side: What Can It Do For Your Health?

Looking On the Bright Side: What Can Optimism Do For Your Health? When thinking of your health and happiness, what are some of the first ideas that come to mind? You may think of dieting, exercising, or even providing your body with the right supplements. To nurture your health, you may have gotten into yoga, […]