How Much Vitamin D Do I Need A Day?

It’s spring! The flowers are blooming and it’s finally getting warm after a long winter. For most of us that means more time spent outdoors. In addition to getting added exercise, we’ll be absorbing vitamin D naturally through our skin. Vitamin D has been scrutinized by researchers and health care practitioners throughout the past century. […]
March is National Nutrition Month: Foods & Tips That Help You Stay Sharp, Young and Energetic!

March is National Nutrition Month: Foods That Help You Stay Sharp, Young and Energetic Remember the old Food Pyramid that was divided into the five food groups of fruit and vegetables, starchy foods, proteins, milk and dairy, and fats and sugars? It’s changed a lot in the past couple of decades with some nutritionists saying […]
How to Stay Healthy During Summer: 4 Important Tips

How to Stay Healthy During Summer: 4 Important Tips Summertime is filled with fun, activities, and family, and it can be easy to forget about your health and Summer’s unique set of health hazards. You may be wondering how to stay healthy during Summer. Remembering the little things (and big things) that are important to […]