Support Your Microbiome: 4 Tips to Improve Gut Health

April is International National IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Awareness Month. It seems that many people experience digestive issues, and there can be some clarification as to why! Continue reading to learn about 4 tips to improve gut health! IBS affects between 25 and 45 million people in the United States. About 2 in 3 people […]
What is the Human Microbiome and Why is it so Important to Your Health?

Your body is more than a patchwork of organs, muscles, bones, nerves, and bio-chemicals, including the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. It is a “supraorganism” that also contains trillions of organisms. Most of these microbial cells are bacteria that reside in our gut. The human microbiome also consists of the genes that are hosted on […]
Foods Good For Gut Health— Support Your Gut Bacteria for Optimal Health

It sounds scary, but we have one hundred trillion bacteria living in out guts, 400 to 500 different types weighing in at approximately four pounds. And it’s a good thing. Because you are not only what you eat, you are what you absorb, assimilate, and do not eliminate. And it’s those bacteria — probiotics — […]
Probiotics for Immune Support: How Does Gut Health Support Immune Health?

Probiotics for Immune Support This year more than ever it’s important to rev up your immune system before the cold months arrive. One of the best ways to increase immunity is to support the microbiome. This is your gut, which is where one hundred trillion bacteria live, weighing in at approximately four pounds! These “good […]
14 Natural Tips for Better Digestive Health

Bloating, tenderness in the gut, constipation— the common symptoms of an out of balance gut are all too common and often overlooked. For many of us, poor digestive health has become an uncomfortable norm that’s swept under the rug and accepted. With so many important to-do’s on our list, like paying the bills, taking care […]
Probiotic Skincare: Supporting your Skin’s Health with Helpful Bacteria

Probiotic Skincare: Supporting your Skin’s Health with Helpful Bacteria Have you ever thought about probiotic skincare? It sounds creepy crawly, but the skin on every human houses millions of bacteria. This can be more than 1,000 species of bacteria! Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) is one of the bacteria found on skin and in the digestive […]