15 Healthy Snacks for Seniors for Meeting Health Needs

Behind every adult aging with grace & good health lies an array of healthy habits. Aging brings on physiological changes which in turn has the ability to affect daily living. But that doesn’t mean aging has to be a negative experience. You’ve heard of all of the ways to embrace health aging- exercise, diet, challenging […]
Age-Proof Your Heart, Skin and Cells with this Secret Compound

The Secret Grape Compound that Makes Your Body Age-Proof (and it’s NOT Resveratrol) Chances are you’ve heard about the health benefits of red wine, which is rich in a polyphenol called resveratrol. But did you know that there’s another part of the grape plant that also delivers some remarkable health benefits? So, let’s talk about […]
5 Methods To Increase Mental Sharpness as You Age!

5 Methods to Increase Sharpness as You Age! Aging can be both a gracious and challenging process, and maintaining mental sharpness throughout it is an ability that plagues many. Studies have determined that the hippocampus, a location in the brain responsible for memory, tends to shrink as we age.3 The process of remembering new information can […]